4 Point Marketing Plan For Your Sphere Of Influence


Call your sphere quarterly with DTD2 Tagging


Plan Quarterly Events that you can call your SOI and invite them to.


Touch your SOI database 24 times a team with email. SOI Newsletter and Neighborhood Smart Plan.


80/20 personal/business
Use the EZ Button for Business

* Quarterly Call System

Call all past clients and core sphere four times a year.
20 Connections per day
Ending the call. To achieve 20 in 2 hours, you must average 6 minutes per conversation.

>>> Steps <<<

  1. Divide your Past Clients/SOI Database into 13 groups (1 quarter = 13 weeks) and Tag them with DTD2.
  2.  Create your weekly contact list.
  3. Make 20 Connects every day.
    1. Call between 9 am & 11 am (and afternoon when needed.)
    2. Conversations are best. Texting works. A personal message counts.
  4. Go 13 Weeks.
  5. Repeat each Quarter.

Database Tagging Guide