Kompliance with Ken
KW Success Layton 1572 Woodland Park Dr, LAYTON, UThttps://zoom.us/j/5924397403 -Zoom and In person!
https://zoom.us/j/5924397403 -Zoom and In person!
Playing in the training room
S&S Homes is coming to present updates on inventory and projects! Our sponsor will be Diamond Touch-Concrete and Stain Removal.
ALC will be IN PERSON once a month. Should circumstance arrive that attendance is not in person or if we have a special guest the Private Zoom Link is – https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87019836475?pwd%3DRFZiVVRPNjdUTGVaS3NGTkZLNlRYUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1652906279152888&usg=AOvVaw0qDWua7K_4GBRP1hW4wEZV Zoom attendance is discouraged and will be for viewing and listening purposes only not for participation.
Please register here: https://highlevelhacks.eventbrite.com
Kylee White teaching her first class!
IN PERSON ONLY Please register here: https://listingsandflex.eventbrite.com
Marcus Green will be speaking at a Washington County Women's Council of Realtors event all about coaching, mentoring, and peers! We'd love to have as many of our agents there as possible. Please register here: https://www.greenvelope.com/card/.public-916033c60fbf4539833bb571f095319234363634363837#rsvp
With Ken Averett & Troy Callantine
Join Drew Bahoravitch from First Colony Mortgage for this awesome training opportunity! Lunch will be provided. Please register here: https://lending101kwstg.eventbrite.com